1. Settlement Class Members are defined as:

    All persons and entities who during the Settlement Class Period indirectly purchased for business use in commercial food preparation in the United States, from any of the Defendants or their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, boxed or case-ready Beef processed from Fed Cattle, excluding ground beef made exclusively from culled cows.

    The Settlement Class Period is from January 1, 2015, to May 25, 2023.

  2. No money will be distributed at this time. Settlement Class Counsel will continue to pursue the lawsuit against the other Defendants. If you would like to receive Notice the next time it is sent, if additional Notice is sent, please submit your information below.
  3. Claim forms are not currently available because the Settlement has not been finalized with all the Defendants. If the matter reaches a final Settlement, Class Members will be notified when there is an opportunity to make a claim to receive a payment.

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